2014 Forest Hills Drive by J. Cole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kBRdjM9CmI.
In terms of rap music, J. Cole establishes a perfect balance between provocative rap music and thought-provoking rap music. His ability to use his life story to relate to his listeners was incredible and the instrumental tracks were key to gain a large audience.
The concept of time with music varies and even though it is 2015, this album released in December, 2014 is a timeless album that can be played over and over again. As an avid listener to music, I enjoyed the album so much that I had it on repeat for a two-hour car ride and it was entertaining the whole way. The lyrics are relatable to an older audience who has experienced tough times and is reflecting on life and being in college, the struggle gets real and I could completely understand J. Cole in these albums and his past reflections on life. '03 Adolescence (Track 4) is a song about graduating and thinking about how to progress through life and current struggles and it's a concept that most people can relate to. Apparently (Track 11) is a song that gives a personal acknowledgement to his mother and the acknowledgement can be interchangeable between any person the listener thinks is always there for him or her. The song that usually connects to the generation is No Role Modelz (Track 9). This song presents a rebellious, aggressive lyrical usage with a nice beat to connect with an audience who knows the struggle of feeling alone and doing things by yourself. Even though I grew up as a kid from the suburbs with parents who were always there to support me I'd be lying in saying that I didn't feel a connection to this song. Everyone feels weight on their shoulders at one point and this song keys in on that feeling.
Listening to J. Cole's album like:
This gif is a literal representation of how I was listening to the lyrics of J. Cole's album.
The album as a whole is a masterpiece. There is no other way to describe the album because it is a genius work of art that J. Cole created as a memoir of his life and as he gets older, only better things will come with his new experiences in the music industry. If you haven't heard the album, it's worth listening to even though you're basically living under a rock because it's a year and you're late.
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