The Office is possibly one of the greatest shows of all time for those who love dry and awkward humor. Though this isn't my number one favorite show of all time, it is one I have recently finished and has rose to being in my favorites. The show has made me laugh more than I can remember and most of that laughing was by out loud by myself which is how I realized how good it really was. Full of awkward references and inappropriate humor, The Office finds varieties of ways to make the audience laugh. Literally my face the whole time watching the office.
Double chin and all too. Aside from all the jokes, gifs and memes provided by the show, The Office also provided emotions and inspiring messages for viewers. The Office showed that even in a mundane situation like working at a paper company in a middle-of-nowhere town like Scranton, people still find situations to live life to its fullest whether that be chasing a girl out of the hellish friendzone and starting a new company like Jim, working to be manager like Dwight or having multiple affairs like Stanley. People were able to live life as if there were infinite possibilities and I believe that is an inspiring theme. People in most TV shows are portrayed in populous cities with changing environments, but at The Office, it found ways to stay entertaining for eight years.
In a sense, The Office is a message to its viewers and says that anything is possible. Each individual is completely capable of changing his or her daily mentality for the better and moving on and creating a life that he or she wants. Things are not necessarily limited to what you have and what you make out of it is completely up to you. You just have to get on top of it.
Had to. Just once.
The Office will forever be an inspirational show with awkward comedy and dry humor.
Here's a compilation of best quotes from The Office because I miss it and I loved this:
I've learned to enjoy what I have and I hope that to the few of you who actually decide to read this, you will also watch this show and it makes you feel half the amount that I did. And I appreciate the few of you who read this.
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